GC Gold Label 1 is designed for the final cementation of crown and bridge restorations. It has been formulated to provide enhanced physical properties.
Benefits of GC Gold Label 1 -
- No surface preparation or bonding agent required, yet with exceptional retention characteristics
- Biocompatible and with a tooth-like coefficient of thermal expansion
- Easy post-operative checks
- Assurance of success
- Less chairside stress for both patient and dentist
- Protection from secondary caries
- Smooth ultra-creamy mixture makes it easy to mix
- Excellent flow and complete seating of the crown, bridge or orthodontic band
- Ideal viscosity for lining
- Durable, longer-lasting marginal seal
- Strong for routine luting and lining requirements
Features of GC Gold Label 1 -
- Glass Ionomer formulation
- Fluoride release
- High mechanical strength
- Radiopaque
- Sharp set characteristics
- Low solubility
- Long term clinical data
- Film thickness of just 15 microns
- Excellent wetting properties
- Intrinsic chemical adhesion to both tooth structure and metal
Usage -
- Final cementation of metal or porcelain fused to metal crowns and bridges
- Cementation of stainless steel crowns and orthodontic bands
- Lining under restorative materials